Funding for Home Repairs and Home Ownership

We help current homeowners and those looking to own a home for the first time with various funding opportunities.

Ontario Renovates

  • Keep your home in good repair
  • Install accessibility features like ramps, bath lifts or alarms

How to apply

City of Brantford and County of Brant residents can apply online.

If you require a hard copy of the application to be mailed to you, please contact 519-759-4150.


You may qualify based on:

  • Your income
  • The value of your home (maximum of $ 350,000)

See the Ontario Renovates Fact Sheet for more information on eligibility and for a list of projects that could be covered. Please contact us if you have any questions. 

Forgivable Loan Assistance Available

Households are allowed one application under the Ontario Renovates Program. Funding is provided as a fully forgivable loan, forgiven over a 10-year period. The loan is not repaid if the homeowners remain as owners and live in the home during the 10 year forgivable period.

Examples of Ontario Renovates Eligible Repairs

Repair work must include energy-saving products where possible; examples of repair work and accessibility changes include:

  • Heating systems, chimneys, doors and windows, foundations, roofs, walls, floors and ceilings; electrical systems, plumbing, septic systems, well water and drilling
  • Ramps, Handrails, Chair and bath lifts, dues for doorbells/fire alarms
  • Height adjustments to countertops
  • Other repairs can be considered, with supporting documentation, at the discretion of the Service Manager

This program is funded by the federal and provincial governments through the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) Program. A limited amount of funding is available each year.

B-Home (Brantford Home Ownership Made Easier) Program

The Affordable Home Ownership program can help renters become homeowners. The program provides eligible first-time homebuyers with a 5% loan for a down payment. Please visit the BHome website for more information.

Who is eligible

To qualify, you must:

  • Be buying a home in Brantford or Brant County for $ 400,000 or less
  • Have a household income of up to $ 90,000
  • Be at least 18 years old and renting in Brantford or Brant County

The B-Home Fact Sheet provides more information on the requirements and the type of home you can buy.

How to apply for B-Home Program